the new hybrid in storytelling

Book to Screen media is dedicated to the development of stories beyond the book, bringing the magic of author’s words to life in a myriad of ways and focusing on the adaptation of books for screen from fresh and evergreen voices, just waiting to be heard. 

Where publishing meets production

There’s never been a better time to change the rules in storytelling and open the doors for more voices. Book To Screen’s mission is to bring more brilliant independent stories to the screen and create greater opportunities for more diverse voices

Supercharging the connection between book and screen

There are so many amazing stories in books that don’t get the fuel they need to make the journey to screen. We’ve teamed up with specialists in identify great stories so that we can add the spark that’s needed to get them on that road… 

An incredible 70% of the world’s top 20 grossing films are based on books (Frontier Economics)

bringing more stories to life